Monday, April 18, 2011

TCM Health Talk by Public Free Clinic Society

A TCM HEALTH TALK by Medical Practioner from Public Free Clinic Society was held at Kebun Baru CC Conference Room yesterday, 17th April 2011 between 3.00p.m. and 6.00p.m. A reasonable turnout of residents who had gone home later with a handful of information on how to regulate emotions through the various TCM methods to lead a comfortable and flexible lifestyle. The topic in Mandarin was "Regulating emotions for clearing heat - to create a comfortable and flexible life". Medical Practioner Mr. Loh gone through with the audience on how to deal with stress which in turn would affect emotions thus causing internal damage to human organs such as heart, liver, kidney, colon, and bladder which would eventually resulting in illness. Ways of control temper and how to keep cool were presented as well as TCM ways of identifying and massaging the important acupoints in our body, recommended diets, simple exercises, etc. There were also hands on demonstration on how to perform the massage. Hence, for those who missed the talk, we would recommend that you attend the coming talks which would be held once a month until August 2011. Topics would include "Prevention and treatment of Rheumatism TCM way", "Distinction between physiques and TCM lifestyle", "Prevention and treatment of skin itching and ageing TCM way", "Sleeping disorders by TCM (sleep well, look and stay younger)". Look out for further details and participate in the coming talks to avoid missing out the knowledge gain in TCM.