Thursday, December 9, 2010

Senior Citizens Executive Committee

Kebun Baru Community Club Senior Citizens Executive Committee was formed in 1985. The objective of the Senior Citizens Executive Committee, in short, SCEC is to help senior citizens lead an active, healthy and meaningful life within the family and community.

SCEC shall achieve this objective by organizing social, cultural, educational, sports, and recreational activities for senior citizens; fostering goodwill and friendship among fellow senior citizens; providing opportunities for them to interact with others in the community, both young and old; developing a sense of mutual help and care among them; and promoting participation in national affairs.


In general SCEC shall organize activities for residents whose age are 50 years and above. However, SCEC also involved in joint projects with other GROs within the division to cater for all ages e.g. National Day Obervation Ceremony, Mid Autumn Festival, Deepavali, Hari Raya, Christmas,and other major festivals in Singapore.

There is always a misconception that SCEC members must be above 50 years of age. On the contrary, persons who are 21 years and above, but below 50 years old would be accepted as members. However, under People's Association's guidelines, this group of members shall NOT exceed one-third of the total membership during the term of office.

The last 25 years SCEC has successfully organized events and activities for senior citizens in Kebun Baru division of Ang Mo Kio GRC. The support of these activities has always been overwhelming. For several years it has achieved 4-star performance award by the People's Association. This due to the strong foundation and solid programs put in place by past Chairmen, namely, the late Mr. See Chee Chong (1985 - 2004), Mr. Soh Cheng Chua (2004 - 2006), and Mr Jimmy Lim Tian Quee, PBM; and not forgetting the dedicated team of committee members who have been working tirelessly organizing the various events and activities. Some of them having served the committee for more than a decade now, two of them have in fact been with committee for a good twenty two (22) years. They are our current Vice Chairman, Mr. Ang Gueh Kok, PBM and member Mdm. Koh Kwee Eng.

Currently, SCEC has interest groups for several activities ranging from Karaoke; recreational folk dance; folk singing; Mandarin/Hokkien/Cantonese pop songs singing; Taijiquan; Adult ballet; Chinese dance; petanque; Grandparents Breakfast Group (name to be changed to Generation Connect Group @ St. Nicholas. SCEC would continue its endeavour to explore more interest groups in other areas. Courses under SCEC's purview conducted at the Community Club include:- adult ballet; Chinese dance for adult; conversational English; dressmaking; Hatha Yoga; Karaoke singing; international folk dance; recreational (fan) folk dance; Tajiquan; Taekwando; and the recently started Ukelele.

SCEC would continue its efforts to explore for new activities to meet the aspiration of senior citizens who are more educated and have a more diverse set of interests. SCEC would also continue its search for new members in order to inject new ideas and programs to cater for the needs of senior citizens of today and the future.

SCEC would intensify its relationship with its partners both within the Community Club as well as outside agencies to work more closely together in meeting its goals for the coming years.


Chairman - Mr. Francis Leong
Vice Chairman - Mr. Ang Gueh Kok, PBM
Vice Chairman - Mr. Robin Chua Choon Howe, BBM
Secretary - Mdm. Ngiam Wee Chin
Assist. Secretary - Mdm. Tan Wee Peng
Treasurer - Mdm. Gui Siew Keng
Assist. Treasurer - Mr. Tan Yang Choh
Member - Mdm. Chng Kim Lan
Member - Mdm. Koh Kwee Eng
Member - Mr. Jimmy Lim Tian Quee, PBM
Member - Mdm. Lo Siew Meng
Member - Mr. Low Hing That, PBM
Member - Mr. Mohd. bin Mohd. Shariff
Member - Mr. Muthalagu Meyyappan
Member - Mr. Tan Song Thiam, PBM
Member - Mdm. Ada Yeung Shau Fong
Member - Mr. Yew Fook Sung
Member - Mdm. Heng Tai Ling
Member - Ms Foo Ngap Luan