Wednesday, January 19, 2011

River Hongbao Tour

Kebun Baru CC Active Ageing Committee is organizing a 'River Hongbao Tour' on Wednesday,
9th February 2011.
Time: 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Fees: $2.00 for member, $3.00 for non-member (only open to Kebun Baru residents aged
50 years and above.
Registration at CC. Limited to 40 pax only.
The closing date shall be 30th January 2011 (first come, first serve basis).

On Wednesday, 9th February 2011 as part of the River Hongbao Celebrations, there will be performances by Senior Citizens Groups as well songs and dances by Dance Troupe from Nanjing City and Guangdong Art Troupe.
Kebun Baru CC SCEC Adult Ballet Dance and Chinese Dance Groups shall be performing on that evening. The theme for the evning is 'Active Ageing Night'.
The Guest of Honour is Minister in Prime Minister's Office, Mr. Lim Boon Heng.

Please register now before it is too late. Join in the tour to participate in the 'River Hongbao' Celebrations and support our Kebun Baru CC SCEC dance groups.

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